Joe's Place Youth Centre
Joe’s Place is a non-profit, registered charity that has been offering life-changing programs to the youth of Moose Jaw for over 25 years! Every teen is welcome!

The well-being and mental health of our youth is very important in these trying times with teen depression and anxiety at an all-time high. Because of this, we have written proposals to the appropriate authorities in order to offer our programs safely and within the guidelines throughout the pandemic. We were also acknowledged as an Essential Service due to the mental health, suicide prevention and educational nature of our programs which meant that almost all of our programs could continue, although adapted in various ways at different times.
We first offered online programs (The Isolation Olympics which included creating an online server so youth could reach out for support, numerous contests, and the delivery of art kits and ukuleles to youth stuck at home), then outdoor adventure activities, and as Saskatchewan re-opened, pre-registered, socially distanced, highly supervised and super sanitized indoor programs.
We take youth hiking, biking, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, paintballing, horseback riding and camping. Youth learn job skills as they help run our programs and as they build props and costumes for our Voltage New Year’s Eve party... which became a Voltage Movie in 2020 and a Mini Voltage event at Joe’s Place in 2021.
We also provide healthy meals for hungry youth, support for teen moms, and chem-free weekend hang-outs with foosball, air hockey, pool, video games, badminton, an art station, a cafe and a 30-foot-tall climbing wall. Joe’s Place received the Moose Jaw Business Excellence Awards’ IMPACT AWARD in 2016 & 2020 for our work with Moose Jaw’s youth.